I am a female. I am lazy, yet motivated. I have dreams and goals that i believe will come true. I am a hard-worker, a perfectionist, a beach bum, and computer geek, a food lover. i'm nice, sweet, friendly, loving, but sometimes harsh. I am a magazine junkie, my room is messy but everything else about me is neat. I love l.o.v.e. and I love god.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Day 29
i'm supposed to post what i have learned in this past month:
i've learned that not going out on certain weekends just so that i can study for tests, is well worth it..i've learned new things in all of my classes =] i've learned that not throwing my trash away early makes my room smell weird =/ hehe i've learned that i actually should still be getting 10 hours of sleep rather than lyke 8..i have also learned that the majority of my bras are indeed not cotton, and that they're lyke nylon
Friday, October 29, 2010
Day 28
so today i'm supposed to post a picture of myself last year and now, and explain how i've changed since then:

I really don't think that i have changed since then..my personality is still the same and i still dress the same hehe. i think the only difference about me is that i've found out what i really am capable of. i used to always second-guess myself, wondering if i really deserved the blessings that came my way. i would always think "i can't." but now, i've learned that i can grow stronger and that i do deserve good, happy things =] i know that if i persevere everything will work out. i have also become closer with god..i think that i was always close with him, but now i talk more openly with him a lot, usually at random times =] but other than that i think that my values, beliefs, and goals etc are still the same, but now they're much stronger and hmm idk if this makes sense but i think their louder too
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day 27
so today i'm supposed to explain why i'm doing this thirty day challenge:
The reason i'm doin it is simple- cause i'm bored so why not hehe. well i just wanted to try it out cause i've never done something similar to this before. i usually rarely post and this gave me a reason to post more often..I think that this is ok i guess. hopefully my posts aren't too boring =]
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Day 26
So today i'm supposed to write about what i think about my friends:
Friends are very important in life because it's important to have people that you can go to and talk to..i'm happy to say that i am still close to some long-tyme friends from lyke elementary days. I think that having friends that don't really peer pressure you into bad things is good because you should be comfortable with friends and doing something you don't want to do is really uncomfortable. i think that friendships are a happy source of good company whenever you're bored, sad, etc.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Day 25
Today i'm supposed to post about what you would find in my bag:
Well i basically have all the usuals..I got my ipod, camera, wallet, headphones, pens, pencils, highlighter, keychain, fortune cookie, spare change, flashlight, mirror, germ x, and some other random stuff hehe my bag is a mess. but i lyke it cause it fits everything =]
Day 24
Today i'm supposed to post a letter to my parents:
Dear mom and dad,
Thank you for EVERYTHING =] you've both supported me in so many names..Even though i don't live at home anymore, don't worry you guys raised me right. and thank u so much for that. I hope that when I am lucky enough to have my own family, that i'll have the strength to instill the good values that you both taught me. I hope that i'm both making u proud so far. hopefully i'll continue to make u both proud of me =]
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day 23
Today i'm supposed to talk about something I crave for a lot:
I'm gonna say that i crave Zippy's a lot =] ever since i was a kid i've always loved going there. I lyke getting a zip pac and a pudding whoo. Once, I ate Zippy's 4 times in a row within two weeks hehe
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Day 22
Today i'm supposed to post about why I'm different from everyone else:
I think i'm different from others because unlike most people i am very introverted. Sometimes that can be considered a weakness, but I also think it's one of my strengths. I take a while to decided if someone is worth getting to know, and when i decide that it's ok then we're good to go. I'm also different style-wise too. I lyke designer brands but i also lyke local/cheaper brands too. i wouldn't say that my fashion sense is over the top, but it is kinda racy in some ways hehe
Friday, October 22, 2010
Day 21
Today i'm supposed to post a picture of something that makes me happy:
I posted a picture of a rainbow because i think they're cool hehe. seeing rainbows always makes me happy cause it's lyke a beautiful image of colors. i once saw a double rainbow..it was cool cause i've always thought that seeing those things was just a myth.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Day 20
Today i'm supposed to write about someone I can see myself marrying/being with in the future:
I can see myself being with this guy that i was previously in a relationship with..i love um. i pray that everything works out between us so i can call him my own again. with god as my strength and source of love, i believe =]
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day 19
Today i'm supposed to talk about any nicknames I have and why do i have them:
I think the first nickname I remember getting is "chippy." hehe one of my long time friends gave it to me back in middle school..I think she called me that cause back then I kinda had a higher voice. lyke a chipmunk i guess heh idk. the other nickname i have is "cockaroach." ahh just don't ask about that one lmao. Another nickname i got is "Ta'asha." A friend gave me this name cause i got a check and thats how they spelt my name =/ lamo. my other nickname kinda pertains to an illegal drug so i won't go into depth about that haha. but trust me it's not as bad as it sounds. it was kinda just a knockoff of the drug and my name mixed together. and this other nickname i got is "T-money." this girl gave it to me for no apparent reason. she's just one of those ppl who come up with quirky things on the spot hehe
Day 18
today i'm supposed to talk about any plans/dreams/goals i have:
My plan is to enjoy life and to enjoy the little things. My dream is to one day have a family of my complete own with the guy that i love more than anything else. one of my goals is to do the best i can in school. With god as my guide I know that everything will all be ok =]
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 17
Today i'm supposed to talk about who I would want to switch lives with for one day and why:
Honestly, I would not want to switch lives with anyone..The way i see it, is that I'm living in PARADISE =] a lot of people love visiting Hawaii but I'm one of the few lucky ones that can actually say that i live here. I was born and raised here and there really is no other place like here. The melting pot, the culture, the aloha spirit, I love it all. I'm thankful that I live here and for this life =]
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Day 15
so today i'm supposed to turn my itunes on shuffle and list the first 10 songs:
1) Glow in the dark
2) Right here waiting
3) Marco polo
4) Doin it
5) I swear
6) Voicemail
7) Let's stay together
8) Beautiful lady
9) Wetter
10) Sprung on a thug
Friday, October 15, 2010
Day 14
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Day 13
So today i'm supposed to post a letter to someone who has hurt me recently:
Dear [grandma],
It really upsets me that you have issues with my mom..to do what you did not only hurts her, but it indirectly hurts me too. You don't get along with certain people easily, but I really think that its time to bury the hatchet already seriously. Family feuds are no fun..it's irritating and puts me in an uncomfortable situation. For a long time I have always given you the benefit of the doubt but now that i'm older and know all the facts, i'm done. If you guys can't get along then idk. I'm just going to have to separate myself from the complication for my own peace of mind.
Hopefully things will get smoothed over,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day 12
Today i'm supposed to write about how I found out about blogger and why i made one:
I didn't really find out about blogger, I just happened upon it. It wasn't lyke a big myspace craze or anything..I was introduced to it and it seemed really boring.but then I realized I could turn it into a fun blog so that's what i did =] I've had it for a long time and sometimes I don't really keep up with it because I'm so busy..but I'm still doing it because I think it's lyke my own online journal kind of. I used to love writing in journals when I was younger so yaa
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Day 11
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day 10
Today i'm supposed to post about songs I listen to when I'm happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad:
Some songs I listen to when I'm happy are- Welcome to Hawaii and 143.
When I'm sad I don't listen to sad songs..I listen to feel-good songs so that I get outta that sadness- Cherry Bomb and So What.
When I'm bored I basically listen to anything that pops up on shuffle mode- Bottoms Up and Shake it.
When I'm hyped I like to listen to upbeat songs- Dynamite and Break My Bank.
When I'm mad I like to listen to LOVE songs so that I can be un-mad- Can't get you off my mind and Love Story.
[usually my ipod is on shuffle so i'll just keep shuffling till i find a song that goes with my mood haha]
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Day 9
so today i'm supposed to post about something that i'm proud of that happened in the last few days:
i am proud that i did good on my hawaiian studies test =] whooo hooo yayy thank you jesus
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Day 8
today i'm supposed to post what are my short term goals for this month and why:
1) study for my tests..and i think the reason for this is self-explanatory
2) go out and have fun..because enjoying life and helping others along the way is where its at
3) take out my trash..because i only have a little trash bin so i don't want it to overflow
4) LOVE LIFE and all it entails..because our journey is what makes life worthwhile
5) go to zippys..because i haven't been there in a while =]
Friday, October 8, 2010
Day 7
today i'm supposed to post a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on me:

I posted a picture of this cross to symbolize that god has a big impact on me. I am Catholic and I know that god has a plan for all of us. He is always there with me and I can feel it. He helps and guides me always =]
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Day 6
Today i'm supposed to explain who is my favorite superhero and why:
hmm well i've never really been big on superheros actually. never really played with superhero toys when i was a kid and don't really like superhero movies. does the incredible hulk count as a superhero? hehe well i guess i'm gonna go with that then. cause well i like the color green =] and his whole special power thing is incredible strength. i've always admired strength so yaa..it's a really good quality to possess, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Day 5
today i'm supposed to post a picture of somewhere i've been:

i haven't really been outta the state since I was a little kid..and i haven't been out of the country before. so i figured i'd post a picture of one of my favorite beaches. this is kua bay =]
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Day 4
Today I'm supposed to talk about a habit I wish I didn't have..
well I constantly worry so yaa. I'm a perfectionist and even the littlest things worry me. idk I worry about a lot of things but I notice that I don't really worry about things in the faaar future. if it's something that stresses me out too much, then I don't really worry about it until I have to. but usually I do worry a lot though but deep down, I know that god will be my guide =]
Monday, October 4, 2010
Day 3
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Day 2
okayy so today i'm supposed explain the meaning behind my blogger name..hmm i don't really know what to say "sweetheart" is pretty self-explanatory. that's my name cause i'm a sweetheart hehe. i'm actually a really nice person to people who treat me rytee. but if for some reason we don't get along, then i'll be the opposite of nice and put a person in their place. basically i'm lyke the sweetest person if you're nice too =]
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Day 1
so i decided to participate in this thing where you have to post something everyday..figure id try it.by the way i decided to re-add the follow button =] it's on the right hand side so yea..
>so i gotta add a picture of myself and 15 facts about me so here it goes..
here's my facts:
1) all i need is jesus. fam bam. friends. and my lovah
2)i'm not a great ice skater
3) i spazz out at the worst times
4)not that great at swimming
5)sleeping in is fun
6)yess i am aware that i am a skinny bitch =]
7)i lovee earrings
8)i like scary movies but i always regret watching them laters cause i can't sleep
9)i do have name brand clothing. but i know how to rock knock offs too
10)i know that life is tough but worthwhile things never come easily
11)i pray everyday
12)definitely a camera whore at times
13)it's a shame how some friendships tend to drift apart when college starts
14)dog lover
15)i have had braces
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